Well I've been hearing all this talk about rapper Drake having a ghostwriter. It was said to be Kia Shine at one point for the "Best I Ever Had" record, but Media Takeout seems to have stumbled upon evidence of Drake's hacked twitter and screenshots of him DM'ing his ghostwriter. Here's the pic. Hey maybe the 'Pants on the Ground' guy writes for Drake. Or maybe even Bangs. LOL
[Well for those who have seen it and who haven't]Whoever old freak aunt this is needs to be shot upon sight for this most ridiculous video i have ever seen 1.She cant even pop her butt rite, nor is there one for that matter 2.Her hair is atrocious 3.What is homeboy doing behind her lol 4.WTF ARE THOSE DANCERS DOING !!!!!!!!!!!! 5.I am convinced that is a dead body on the bed The list goes on and on but why would someone let their family member do this lol she looks like someone snatched off flatbush from a braid spot
Gang Starr is a popular East Coast hip hop duo (The late MC Guru and DJ/producer DJ Premier). Their music was composed of elements of New York swing jazz and hip hop.The group was founded by graffiti artists Horne and Elbo in Boston in 1985 then known as Keithy E.(The Guru) and DJ 1,2 B-Down (also known as Mike Dee) with various producers, such as Donald D, J.V. Johnson or DJ Mark the 45 King. In 1987 and 1988, Gang Starr released three vinyl singles on the Wild Pitch label.
In 1989 the group split and only the Guru was left. He soon found DJ Premier (aka Waxmaster C) who sent a beat tape Guru liked. He asked DJ Premier to join and in that same year they released their first single Words I Manifest along with the album No More Mr. Nice Guy.
Gang Starr helped pioneer the "New York" hip hop sound. Gang Starr had an extensive catalog, Step in the Arena (1990), Daily Operation (1992) "Hard to Earn" (1994) and Moment of Truth (1998) all are well-respected by critics.
In February 2010, Guru suffered a heart attack, went in coma, woke up to recover but it proved to be very fatal. He died on April 19, 2010. The guru is a pioneer in the music world and he shall never be forgotten due to his accomplishments.
As you all know the NBA playoffs begin this weekend. The tip off of the Lakers vs. OKC series is this Sunday. OKC is definitely a personal favorite of mine. I would like to congratulate the star of OKC, Kevin Durant, for his success this season. He became the youngest player to win the scoring title, at the age of 21, and also lead his team from a 23-59 record last season to a 50-32 record this year putting them in the playoffs for the first time. Also the Bulls made their way into the playoffs during the last two games this season. They will meet against the Cavs on Saturday. The playoffs are full of many interesting matchups. I could go on for days, but just tune in this Saturday, and if your a basketball fan, you'll be just as excited as I am to watch.
Our co founder Travis was on youtube, where we find most of our videos, and stumbled upon this man named, Frico Jean Joseph, a sneaker collector. He designed his own version of the Nike Eggplant Foamposites called 'Old Ladies'. Check it out guys, be sure to leave some feedback and you can order your own pair of 'Old Ladies' by contacting him on youtube his user name is getaway118. Or look him up on facebook.
The Game released a new song today via twitter. Its called 400 Bars. I guess you all know why LOL. Well Game is known for his numerous songs with 100 bars, 200, 300, and now 400. I'll post the link so you all can take a listen.
Wiz Khalifa released a new mixtape today titled 'Kush & OJ'. I'm in the midst of listening to the mixtape, but from what I've heard so far it's pretty impressive. Let me know what you guys feel about it. Leave a few comments.
Okay I'm sure if you listen to hip hop you've heard of this guy Lil B. He's a former member of the group The Pack, who had a hit song called 'Vans'. Well Lil B has to have one of the most HORRIBLE mixtapes ever. He sounds like he's speaking over an instrumental, compares himself to Jesus, and calls himself a princess LOL. But in all honesty he has potential. I came across this one video where he's seriously rapping and he can actually rap, minus calling himself a pretty b***h. LOL. Check it out.
I wanted to share with you guys the in my opinion the funniest commercials on television right now. IT has got to be the series of Old Spice Commercials. Take a look.
The very first SIAMESE photoshoot We want to portray our vision of Style while at the same time fitting with the word 'siamese' we used the twins Doobz and Alize to add a little twist. Shout out to them, Thanja aka Teejay for the photos check out his very own flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jayjaygbay/ the mastermind behind most of the pics, Zaire as well contributed to the photoshoot with his photography skills check him out at http://www.flickr.com/photos/zairetillman/, Bruce, Jennifer, Larry and everyone else who contributed to the photoshoot. Shout out to http://aprelnyc.blogspot.com/ for the love.
I was on youtube and I stumbled upon a video of Big Sean back in the day. I thought it was interesting so I figured I'd share it with everyone. Check it out.
I also want to post Big Sean's new video Okay feat. GLC & Chip Tha Ripper
Happy Easter everyone. Hope you all enjoy your time today. We will be posting pics of the photoshoot when the editing is complete. I hope you guys like the easter egg tees we will be revealing shortly.